
Route (1) Schedule (1)

Thursday, July 11, 2013



Food. It's an interesting thing. Through our miles and miles, day to day, week to week, we have developed some extreme desires and staples to our diet. FIRST and FOREMOST, Cool Blue Gatorade. That blue liquid is the bees knees, and when I say bees knees, I mean that shit is amazing. There is absolutely nothing better than downing a 32 oz jug after 50 or more miles. It is the superior drink to reach true and full satisfaction - a way of life.

The second staple is... well, anything sweet. Candy has never tasted better; gas station food is disgustingly perfect and my sweet tooth has exponentially enlarged... and when i say enlarged, i'll let you in on the fact that as a mid-day snack today I ingested a package of mini donuts, a package of pop-tarts, a large piece of carrot cake, and topped it off with a salty treat; corn nuts. About 1600 calories.

The third is chips. Any type. They're all amazing. Especially jalapeno cheetos. In fact, could go for a bag right now...

So... how much do we eat? Well, my stomach hasn't gotten much bigger, but I do HAVE to eat every 20 miles. I'll start cramping and feeling low on energy if I don't.  Last night I ate a bag of Gardettos, a stick of cheese, beef jerky, funyuns, a package of almonds, a cliff bar, and downed a gatorade. I went to bed hungry.

Todays dining:
Cliff bar
Double Cheese-burger
Cliff bar
Nutri-Grain bar
32 oz of gatorade
12 oz of lemonade
12 oz of 7up
1/2 bag of Gardettos
Bowl of chili
Piece of carrot cake
Package of donuts
Package of corn nuts
Package of Pop-tarts
AND around 200 oz of water

I'm sitting, writing this hungry. A sandwich from Subway might help... unfortunately, i'm not sure if this part of Wyoming knows what that is :(

To be honest, I question that Daniel and I are eating enough. Sounds crazy, but 4000 calories might not be enough for a 100 mile day full of head winds, climbing, and 90 degree weather. The only thing holding us back is budgeting.. Turns out food is the largest expense, by a long shot.

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